
This is a list of relevant[1] talks, panels, tutorials, and guest lectures, including links to recordings[2] where possible. If you'd like to have me speak somewhere, please email me.

Date Location Title Type
Nov 24 Uppsala University, Sweden A Call to Embrace Multidimensionality when Studying the Social Impacts of AI Talk
Nov 24 DFKI Saarbrücken, Germany Understanding "Democratization" in NLP and ML Research Talk
Oct 24 Saarland University, Germany Evaluating Large Language Models — Choosing Goals and Measuring Them Talk
Sep 24 DFKI Saarbrücken, Germany From Insights to Actions: The Impact of Interpretability and Analysis Research on NLP Talk
Jul 24 Queer and {Dis}Ability in AI workshop, ICML 2024 Challenges and Perspectives for Queer and/or Disabled Communities Presented by AI in HCI Panel
Jun 24 Mila - Quebec AI Institute, Canada Are LLMs Reasoning, Repeating or Just Biased? A Case Study with English Pronouns Talk
May 24 Interdisciplinary Institute for Societal Computing, Germany On Gender Gaps in Natural Language Processing Talk
Apr 24 University of Hamburg, Germany Trust and Fairness in Modern AI Lecture
Apr 24 University of Hamburg, Germany Measuring and Improving Robustness in NLP Talk
Mar 24 Critical Media Lab Basel, Switzerland On Gender Gaps in Natural Language Processing Talk
Oct 23 Research Process Management Workshop, Saarland University, Germany Git & Version Control Tutorial
Nov 22 Queer in AI Workshop, NeurIPS 2022 Immigration and Queerness Panel
Nov 22 Trans and Nonbinary Computing Education Research Workshop Current State of Trans and Nonbinary Computing Education Research Panel
Jul 22 Queer in AI Workshop, NAACL 2022 Non-binary Representation in Language Technologies Panel
Jul 21 Open Source Day 2021 Sure, It's Open, But Is It Inclusive? Talk
Jul 21 Women in Voice Summit 2021 Lofty Linguistic Ideals and Deploying in Tech Realities Talk
Jun 21 NAACL 2021 Intersectionality in NLP Panel
Apr 21 WiNLP Workshop, EACL 2021 How to Write an NLP Paper Tutorial
Dec 20 Queer in AI Social, COLING 2020 The Doors My Queerness Opened Talk

  1. This list does not include intra-university and intra-company events, nor events at (primary / middle / high) schools. ↩︎

  2. Not every recording comes with a human-edited transcript, and several old recordings use an outdated name and pronouns for me. ↩︎